Streaming woes
The streaming platform landscape has become an unwieldy, unfriendly, frustrating behemoth. Long gone are the days when Netflix was the...

Don DeLillo and the Beauty of Placeholders
Whatever you think of Noah Baumbach’s Netflix film White Noise, there’s no doubt in my mind that the novel by Don DeLillo on which it’s...

Three more of my favourite podcasts!
It seems everyone and their aunt has a podcast these days. The overabundance of shows to choose from can be daunting and is an example of...

Set My Heart To Five by Simon Stephenson: Truly bamboozling!
This delightful and hilarious novel should be required reading for anyone brave or foolish enough to consider a career in screenwriting...

Lucy Ellmann – Ducks, Newburyport: the fact that it’s a phenomenal read
When I ordered Lucy Ellman’s Ducks, Newburyport, I knew nothing about the book, other than that it had been shortlisted for the 2019...

How Cary Elwes Can Lead to Deborah Eisenberg
You know how sometimes one thing leads to another and you unintentionally end up making some kind of wonderful new discovery? Well,...

Charlie Savage by Roddy Doyle: Grand
It’s been a while since I had so much fun reading words on a page (Howard Jacobson’s Coming from Behind springs to mind). I literally had...

Three of my favourite podcasts
When I first started listening to podcasts – it must have been around 2007 – I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. A wealth of free...

Russian Doll - Loved it
One of my absolute favourites on Netflix recently has been the series Russian Doll, created by Leslye Headland, Natasha Lyonne and Amy...

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman - Book review
Unlike many books I read, I didn’t deliberately search this one out. I was at my favourite bookshop, in a hurry and in need of a new book...